How to Stow the Starlink Dish

Open the app while connected to the Starlink router and under settings > Starlink there’s a option labeled as Stow, swipe and the dish will stow

How to Stow the Starlink Dish in Bypass Mode

When in bypass mode the Starlink app will not be able to communicate with the router preventing the dish from being stowed so to stow the dish in bypass mode we have 2 options.

Option 1:
Reset the router back to normal by power cycling the router 6 times and then connect to the Wi-Fi name STARLINK and then stow via the app normally

Option 2:

Face the dish upside down and then power cycle the router and after a minute or two the dish will stow

How to set the Starlink router to Bypass mode

To set the Starlink to bypass mode first the router must be in a factory default state, meaning no WIFI SSID or password has been set.

Once the Kit has been installed connect to it and open a web browser page with the URL
A web interface will open and you may select the option: Enable Router Bypass mode

This mode should only be used under some specific circumstances like if you require port forwarding with the publicly available IPV6, ifyou wish to use your own router equipment, etc..