1. Agreement
    By accessing and using the Skylink Rentals website ( and the rental services provided by Skylink Rentals, operating as a sole trader, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with any part of these Terms and Conditions, you must not use the Skylink Rentals website or its services.

  2. Rental Equipment
    Skylink Rentals agrees to rent the specified Skylink terminals and any associated equipment (referred to as the “Equipment” or “Kit”) to the customer.

  3. Payment
    All rental costs for the Equipment shall be paid in advance at the time these Terms and Conditions are agreed upon by the customer.

  4. Inspection and Responsibility
    The customer acknowledges having inspected the Equipment prior to using the kit and accepts full responsibility for the care and maintenance of the Equipment while in their possession. Any damage to the Equipment, beyond reasonable wear and tear, shall be the customer’s responsibility and shall be repaired or replaced by Skylink Rentals at the customer’s sole cost and expense by using the security deposit funds, if the damages surpass £300 Skylink rentals will generate a document with the outstanding value to be paid. The value of the whole kit is £500 meaning if the whole kit would be destroyed the remaining cost to pay would not be superior to £200. The most likely part of the kit to get damaged on a rental would be the 20-meter dish cable which has a value of £100 

  5. Equipment Replacement
    The customer shall be responsible for the replacement at the full retail value of any Equipment rented under this agreement but not returned to Skylink Rentals, including reasonable attorney’s fees if needed.

  6. Return of Equipment
    The customer agrees to return the Equipment to Skylink Rentals in a clean and working condition, consistent with the condition at the time of rental, to avoid any additional charges. Failure to return the Equipment when due may result in extra charges and the permanent withholding of the security deposit.

  7. Liability and Indemnification
    The customer agrees to hold harmless and indemnify Skylink Rentals for any loss or damage, including any that results from claims, actions, causes of action, property damage, and/or demands whatsoever related to the use, misuse, or abuse of the Equipment rented under this agreement.

  8. Prohibited Use
    The customer acknowledges that it is strictly forbidden to operate the rented Equipment under the influence of narcotics, and/or mind-altering or illegal substances.

  9. Authorized Users
    The customer agrees that only the person(s) to whom the Equipment is rented and fitted shall setup the Equipment, and the Equipment shall remain in the customer’s possession during the term of the rental agreement.

  10. Release of Liability
    The customer releases and discharges Skylink Rentals from any and all liability for damage and injury to the customer and/or any other person and/or property resulting from negligence, installation, maintenance, selection, adjustment, and/or use of the Equipment rented hereunder, or any other fault, accepting full responsibility for any and all such damage and/or injury which may result therefrom.

  11. Limitation of Damages
    In any contract or other action against Skylink Rentals, damages are limited to the amount of the rental fee only. The customer agrees that no consequential damages can be collected.

  12. Insurance
    Skylink Rentals does not provide insurance coverage for rented Equipment.

  13. Severability
    If any clause or provision of these Terms and Conditions is deemed unenforceable or invalidated by law, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.

  14. Age Requirement
    By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, the customer certifies that they are 18 years of age or older.

  15. Acceptable Use Policy
    The customer agrees to adhere to Starlink’s Policy at

  16. Equipment Instructions
    The customer confirms that all instructions on the use of the Equipment have been made clear and that they understand the use and function of the Equipment. The customer agrees to be bound by all of the above Terms and Conditions, including the limitation of liability of Skylink Rentals.

  17. Cancellation and Refund Policy
    The customer may cancel a rental booking up to 5 days before the scheduled shipping date and receive a full refund of the rental fees paid. Cancellations made within 5 days of the scheduled shipping date will result in a 50% refund of the rental fees paid and a 100% refund of the temporary deposit. No refunds will be issued for cancellations made after the rental start date or after the kit has been shipped.

  18. Rental Period Extensions
    The customer may request an extension of the rental period, subject to availability and at the sole discretion of Skylink Rentals. Additional rental fees will apply for the extended period and must be paid in advance.

  19. Termination
    Skylink Rentals reserves the right to terminate the rental agreement at any time, without notice, and to demand the immediate return of the Equipment if the customer breaches any of these Terms and Conditions or if the Equipment is used in any unlawful or inappropriate manner.

  20. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
    These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the United Kingdom. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with these Terms and Conditions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the United Kingdom.

  21. Modifications
    Skylink Rentals reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions at any time, without prior notice. It is the customer’s responsibility to review the current Terms and Conditions before renting Equipment from Skylink Rentals. Continued use of the Skylink Rentals website and its services constitutes acceptance of any modifications to the Terms and Conditions.

  22. Privacy Policy
    The customer’s use of the Skylink Rentals website and its services is also subject to the Skylink Rentals Privacy Policy, which is incorporated by reference into these Terms and Conditions.

  23. Entire Agreement
    These Terms and Conditions, along with the Skylink Rentals Privacy Policy and any rental agreement entered into by the customer, constitute the entire agreement between the customer and Skylink Rentals with respect to the rental of Equipment and supersede all prior or contemporaneous understandings, agreements, negotiations, representations, warranties, and communications, both written and oral.

  24. Liability for Illegal Activity
    During the rental period, the customer is solely responsible and liable for any illegal activity conducted while using the rented Equipment, including but not limited to activities that violate Starlink’s policies, as outlined on their website ( The customer agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Skylink Rentals from any claims, damages, or legal actions arising from such illegal activities.

  25. Personal Data and Privacy
    The customer acknowledges and agrees that their personal data will be used to process their order, support their experience throughout the Skylink Rentals website, and for other purposes as described in the Skylink Rentals Privacy Policy. By using the Skylink Rentals website and its services, the customer consents to the collection, use, and disclosure of their personal data in accordance with the Privacy Policy.
By using the Skylink Rentals website and its services, the customer confirms their understanding and agreement to be bound by these Terms and Conditions, as well as any additional terms provided in a rental agreement or any applicable policies or guidelines.